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Thanks to a Trans Canada Trail Seasonal Cleanup Grant we were able to explore the possibilities of winterizing some sections of the Crow Wing Trail. This grant enabled us to buy a few trail maintenance tools, to investigate possible winter recreational activities along the Crow Wing Trail and to learn what steps would be needed to promote year-round fun on our trail.

In addition to the wonderfully groomed cross-country ski trails in St. Adolphe, Niverville, St-Pierre-Jolys and St. Malo Provincial Park, we discovered a few more unique trail areas. Volunteers put on their snowshoes, while others cross-country skied and some folks hiked various sections of the CWT to discover some wonderfully treed areas that were perfect for winter fun. We discovered that some of our trail signs are a little too low and were hidden by snow, while other areas needed a bit more signage. In some sections multiple downed trees needed to be removed. We realized a few areas need to be mowed later in the fall to improve conditions for winter activities. A work bee was held to build some barriers to prevent motorized traffic from entering onto private land.
A big thank you to the 11 volunteers who enthusiastically contributed more than 100 hours of help! We anticipate that the trail observations we made this winter will help us in the future and that more trail users will be able to get out in the snow and leave their own tracks alongside those of the deer, coyotes, squirrels and birds!