Where do you want to start? There are 10 access points along the 200 km of Trail. Explore the communities they are in! Click on various links for each access point.
- Red River Floodway – via PR 200 GPS: Latitude 49.756348, Longitude -97.123220
Duff Roblin Provincial Park - St. Adolphe – Old Community Park – via PR 200 GPS: Latitude 49.6722111, Longitude -97.1145083
1) RM of Ritchot – 2) St. Adolphe – 3) Friendship Trail – 4) St. Adolphe Loop Map - Niverville – Hespeler Park – via PR 311 GPS: Latitude 49.596723, Longitude -97.041089
1) Town of Niverville – 2) Niverville – 3) Ski Trails – 4) Niverville Loop Map – 5) Niverville Museum - Mennonite Landing – via PR 200 GPS: Latitude 49.5878611, Longitude -97.1365972
Mennonite Landing Historic Site - Otterburne – Post Office – via PTH 59 and PR 303 GPS: Latitude 49.497415, Longitude -97.051351
1) Otterburne – 2) Otterburne Loop Map - St-Pierre-Jolys – Museum – via PTH 59 GPS: Latitude 49.4423167, Longitude -96.9869333
- St. Malo – Grotto Entrance – via PTH 59 GPS: Latitude 49.316964, Longitude -96.947720
- Senkiw – Suspension Bridge – via PTH 59 or PR 218 GPS: Latitude 49.1966556, Longitude -96.8870194
- Ridgeville – Community Park – via PR 218 GPS: Latitude 49.066588, Longitude -97.010885
- Emerson – Community Park – via PR 200 GPS: Longitude 49.002792, Latitude -97.219099
Access Points are identified by blue Trans Canada Trail/Sentier transcanadien signs on provincial roads and Trailhead signs in parking area.

This trail is best suited for walking and cycling. There are some nice sections for horses, mostly the southern half of the trail. Information on winter uses can be found in Step 4. There is a separate snowmobile trail.
Follow blue signs with white arrows. A few new signs are white with blue arrows. Please know that cell phone service can be intermittent south of St. Malo. If you`re cycling, narrow bike tires are not recommended. Wear bright clothes especially during hunting season in the fall. Take plenty of water. Be aware of wildlife…. and prepare for mosquitoes and ticks, especially during a wet summer. Click here for provincial tick information.
If trail maintenance has not started – usually June – you could encounter tall grass and weeds and fallen trees and branches in some locations. Trail sections along the Red River have a dry route option. The entire trail is a fairly easy adventure as there are very few inclines. Surfaces are gravel, grass, pavement/sidewalks in or near communities and dirt roads. These may turn into mud after heavy rains, so be ready to take off your shoes and enjoy the feeling of mud between your toes, or take to the grass on the side of the road.
St-Pierre-Jolys: Hospital; RCMP Niverville: Clinic Emerson: RCMP Taxis: Emerson Niverville
Dirt roads that could be muddy (from north to south):
South of Floodway, north part of Shapansky Rd.
Sood Rd south of its intersection with Gauthier Rd, to Préfontaine Drain. (northwest of Niverville).
West end of Crown Valley Rd just east of PR 200. (west of Niverville)
Section from Fontaine Rd (grassy road east of Mennonite Landing) to PR305. (north of Crystal Springs Hutterite Colony)
South of Alarie Rd to Poirier Rd (east of Crystal Springs Hutterite Colony)
Neveux Rd south of PR 205 to Guenette Rd. (southeast of St-Pierre-Jolys)
About motorized uses (i.e. ATV’s)
As a good portion of the trail is on municipal property/roads, motorized use is not prohibited by law. However some greenway sections are protected by signs and barriers.
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